Individual Alphagram Card Packs


Newly updated and available individually, so you can replace lost card packs or spell even more words with your WordMaker. CHOOSE:
* Word-Beginning Single Consonant pack with 21 cards.
* Level 2 Word-Beginning Consonant pack with 32 digraphs and blends.
* Vowel deck with 11 short and long vowels.
* Level 2 Vowel pack with 34 digraphs, diphthongs, alternative spellings for vowel phonemes, and r-controlled vowels.
* Word-Ending Single Consonant pack with 21 cards.
* Level 2 Word-Ending Consonant pack with digraphs and blends, consonants with silent e’s, suffixes; 40 cards.

This offer is for customers who already own a WordMaker and need to replace a lost pack or would like to have two of a certain pack.

$4.80 for each pack. Maximum two per order.