Alphagram WordMaker™
Level 2 – The building blocks of reading, spelling and vocabulary in six ring-bound packs with a total of 159 cards that help students spell, read and learn the meanings of an unlimited number of words!
This NEWLY IMPROVED essential set includes a sturdy corrugated stand and one pack each:
• 21 Word-Beginning Single Consonants.
• 11 Short and Long Vowels
• 32 Level 2 Word-Beginning Consonant Digraphs and Blends
• 34 Level 2 Vowels—Vowel Digraphs, Diphthongs, and r-Controlled.
• 19 Word-Ending Single Consonants, plus ff, ll, ss and zz.
• 40 Level 2 Word-Ending Consonant Digraphs and Blends, Consonants with Silent e’s, and Suffixes.
The first two cards in each pack provide illustrated examples and tips for success.